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West Pomeranian
Economy Observatory

West Pomeranian Economy Observatory

The main aim of the project is to provide information on training needs of the regional economy and labor market adjustment to allow for raising and professional qualifications of persons employed by conducting, disseminating and publishing research and analysis on the situation of the regional economy and labor market of Western Province in the years 2010 to 2011. The main aim will be achieved through the achievement of specific objectives:

  1. Predicting demand professional employers against certain industries and occupations;
  2. Predicting the evolution of employment in the West Pomeranian companies
  3. Predicting restructuring processes taking place in the regional economy and the market work
  4. Providing information on key sectors of the economy in the region and their impact on the labor market
  5. Improving change management capabilities in the labor market by the IRP.

The project will be implemented following research - analysis:

I. Comprehensive Provincial Economic Research and Labour Market - includes a series of six tests:

  1. Study "plans and the employment potential of the Staff West Pomeranian of employers"
  2. Study "Situation of socio - professional staff with particular emphasis on SME employees."
  3. Study "The potential of employment within the economic initiatives"
  4. Study "the processes of change in the key industries of the region"
  5. Study "Alternative forms of employment in the West the labor market"
  6. Test "Current monitoring of key processes of the regional economy"

II. Map training needs of employers.

III. Catalogue of economic resources and labor province. West

IV. The West Region Development Index

V. Consultation of scientific meetings - interviews and seminars and scientific conferences.


From 01.01.2010r. to 31.12.2011.


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Projekt współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego i Budżetu Państwa
Poddziałanie 8.1.4 Programu Operacyjnego Kapitał Ludzki 2007-2013

human capital Szczecin Job Centre West Pomeranian Economy Observatory european social fund

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